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Latest Downloads

The DCM team has pulled together a range of presentations, research, nickable charts, sizzles and pdfs to help you navigate all the latest insight, film knowledge, cinema updates and audience data at our disposal. Please contact us at or speak to your DCM rep if there’s anything else you’d like us to share!

Cinema Effectiveness Roadmap

DCM has partnered with leading insight consultant Anna Sampson to publish a ‘Cinema Effectiveness Roadmap’ paper designed to emphasise to advertisers how they can measure the high-impact channel and better understand the value it delivers within the media mix.

Centre of Attention

'Centre of Attention' is the fifth edition of Digital Cinema Media’s industry-leading Building Box Office Brands series. Created in partnership with industry experts, Lumen, the study provides concrete evidence of the level of attention given to ads in cinemas.

Comparisons to other media (from Lumen’s databank) affirm cinema as a clear ‘attention leader’ in the advertising marketplace.

Film Slate

A look ahead to the pipeline of films that will only be available on the big screen in 2024.

Mission 16-34: Launch, Land, Impact

The Mission 16-34 research is the fourth edition in DCM's industry leading Building Box Office Brands series. The Mission 16-34 presentations contain information on:

  • Research focusing on the key 16-34 demographic and their AV consumption
  • Highlights cinema’s strength at launching campaigns, landing messages and having a positive brand impact
  • Insight is also available for other demographics including 16-24s, ABC1 and AB adults and 16-34s by gender

Building Box Office Brands – Reports

The ‘Building Box Office Brands’ publications give you the full story:

  • Vol I: Cinema’s unique role in the media mix
  • Vol II: Proving cinema’s value to brand-building and ROI
  • Vol III: Proving cinema’s unique value as part of an AV schedule
  • Fast Facts showcases key highlights from across all 3 publications

Our Cinemas

The ‘Our Cinema’s presentation contains information on:

  • UK cinema industry by numbers
  • DCM cinema portfolio by exhibitor
  • Updates on new sites and screens coming to DCM

DCM Independent Cinemas

The ‘DCM Independent Cinemas’ presentation contains information on:

  • DCM’s independent cinema portfolio
  • Independent cinemagoer audience snapshot
  • Independent cinema campaign case studies


The ‘Cinemapper’ presentation contains information on:

  • What is DCM’s proximity planning tool Cinemapper?
  • How does Cinemapper work?
  • Case studies from brands who have planned using Cinemapper