DCM Tuesdays - Prometheus 3D

Prometheus 3D has finally landed and on the day of its official worldwide release, Digital Cinema Media treated 75 media industry contacts to an exclusive screening of one of the most anticipated film of 2012.

The screening held at the Charlotte Street Hotel on 1 June saw attendees from Carat, Innocean, Mediacom, ISBA, News International and Tesco treated to drinks, nibbles and cinema treats before watching the film everyone has been has been waiting for, talking about and dying to see since Ridley Scott announced in July 2009 that he would be returning to the groundbreaking Alien film released in 1979 and that introduced moviegoers to hypersleep, Nostromo and face huggers.

People emerged 2 hours later in awe, jaws had dropped and plot lines were being discussed with a fine tooth comb… Old questions had been answered, new questions had been raised…..ready for a sequel we heard a lot of people cry.

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