UK Cinema Association Conference is fast approaching

    Author Zoe Aresti

With less than two weeks to go until the UKCA Conference, here's a reminder of the details for the two-day event.

This year’s UK Cinema Association Conference is less than two weeks away and if you’re still considering whether to buy tickets to the annual event, here’s a reminder of the details.

The two-day event, Unlocking Data and Technology – driving the big screen experience, will take place in London from Tuesday 28 February – Wednesday 1 March.

The programme for the event has been all but finalised and you can find details of the agenda for Data Day and Technology Day here.

The associated has sought to offer a diverse and engaging range of opportunities for attendees to find out about the way data is changing how the cinema industry does business, and to understand the key developments currently underway in cinema technology.

All efforts have been made to make the event as accessible and interesting as possible, and in a form which will be of use to the widest possible number of industry guests.

But there’ll be plenty of play, too, as in addition to the all-important educational aspect of the agenda, the networking opportunities will be just as relevant, and organisers have planned in a significant amount of ‘downtime’ on the schedule across both days.

Over 250 tickets have already been sold to guests spanning cinema exhibition, film distribution, technology, retail and more. If you’re planning on attending, please secure your place as soon as possible.

The Association has once again been mindful of the costs of travelling and staying overnight for a two-day event and ticket prices have been kept as low as possible at just £130 for non-members for both days.

If you’d like to buy tickets, click here. To find out more about the event and the agenda contact Grainne Peat.