Big Scares, Big Houses and Big Books

    Author Tom Linay

2019's biggest blockbuster for ABC1 women lands this September and it's an unmissable big screen debut for one of the most popular television series of the 21st century. If that wasn't enough, the sequel to the biggest horror film of all time is the most efficient blockbuster for 16-34s this year and should deliver over 16 16-34 TVRs. There's also 2019's two classiest literary adaptations which will also attract ABC1 women. It could be the best selection of big films so far this year.

Downton Abbey

At its peak, Downton Abbey was watched by almost 12m viewers in the UK, it's also the most nominated international television show in Emmy history. In short, it was a phenomenon. This film brings back all the famous characters, who reportedly face a visit from the Queen. It's the biggest film for ABC1 women in H2.

  • Release date: 13 September
  • Target audience: ABC1 Women
  • Est. industry admissions: 3m
  • HFSS approved
  • Available premium spots: Bronze

It Chapter Two

It Chapter One is by far the biggest horror film of all time and this sequel hits scerens just two years after hte first film. Set 27 years after the events in Chapter One, the Losers Club have grown up and moved way, until a devastating phone call brings them back. It's the most efficient blockbuster for reaching 16-34s this year.

  • Release date: 6 September
  • Target audience: 16-34 adults
  • Est. industry admissions: 2.8m
  • HFSS approved
  • Available premium spots: Gold, Silver and Bronze

The Goldfinch

Donna Tartt's Pulitzer Prize winning novel gets the top class big screen treatment with John Crowley (Brooklyn) directing. A boy in New York is taken in by a wealthy  Upper East Side family after his mother is killed in a bombin at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It's a gripping story and could be 2019's top literary adaptation...

  • Release date: 27 September
  • Target audience: ABC1 women
  • Est. Industry admissions: 1.5m
  • HFSS approved
  • Available premium spots: Bronze

The Woman in the Window

...Or it could be this best-selling tale of an agoraphobic woman living alone in New York who begins spying on her new neighbours only to witness a disturbing act of violence. Brit director Joe Wright's last film was the Oscar-winning Darkest Hour and this story, like Rear WIndow meets The Girl on the Train, has attracted a cast of the highest quality.

  • Release date: 27 September
  • Target audience: ABC1 Women
  • Est. industry admissions: 829k
  • HFSS approved
  • Available premium spots: Bronze

To book into September films or to find out more, contact your DCM rep.