Yopa - Smooth Move

Advertiser Yopa
Sector Utilities & Property
Buying route Adult AGP
Audience ABC1 Adults
Sector Housing
Target Audience ABC1 Adults
Package ABC1 Adult AGP - North East & Yorkshire
Creative Mother
Media Agency Manning Gottlieb OMD
Duration 30" + 60"


  • With the UK housing market flatlining for the last 12 months, homeowners were looking to hybrid estate agents to salvage their asking price deflation by paying lower commission compared to traditional high-street agents. 
  • In a competitive hybrid market, Yopa’s key challenges for the year were to increase brand awareness and improve first choice consideration.


  • To generate brand familiarity through high levels of reach and frequency, Yopa opted for a fully rounded AV plan – running across TV, VOD, Adsmart and Cinema - with additional support in key press titles. 

  • Cinema played a crucial role in the mix with it being one of only two mediums (the other being VOD) which indexed positively across all Yopa’s four key audience sub-segments – providing a key opportunity for the brand to engage and have an impact on all of its target audiences. 
  • To maximise cinema across the whole campaign period, Yopa opted for an Adult AGP in the chosen test regions (North East and Yorkshire), delivering 4.9m industry wide admissions in quality blockbusters including Captain Marvel, Us and Avengers: Endgame.