PlayStation - Only On PlayStation

Advertiser PlayStation
Sector Entertainment & Leisure, Technology
Buying route Film Packs
Audience Adults
Sector Technology
Target Audience 16-44 Adults
Package Film Pack - Fast & Furious 8
Media Agency MediaCom
Creative Agency PPC
Duration 4 x 30"


PlayStation wanted to champion the incredible quality of the PS4 gaming experience, and specifically the range of games that are exclusively available on the console. By differentiating itself from the competition, PlayStation is aiming to shift brand preference and drive purchase intent of the PS4 console and individual game titles being released across the year. 


PlayStation wanted to immerse audiences with gameplay content, convincing current, lapsed and new gamers alike about how far the quality of videogames has come and showcase how PlayStation are at the forefront of gaming innovation.

Cinema was a natural fit for a campaign wanting to deliver high impact and engage an in-market young adult, entertainment fan audience with gameplay content.

The opening week of Fast & Furious 8 offered the perfect opportunity for PlayStation to tap into a blockbuster audience that would deliver their target of 16-44 adults with a male skew.

Rather than just run one copy showcasing a single game or a montage of upcoming titles PlayStation wanted to fully showcase the breadth and quality of their slate under the overarching campaign strapline ‘Only On PlayStation’.

With this in mind, PlayStation decided to buy two minutes of the ad reel and intersperse ads for four exclusive titles - Horizon Zero Dawn, GT Sport, Farpoint and Wipeout - to help promote the PS4.

The series of ads appeared in reel prior to every showing of Fast & Furious 8 in its first week of release giving PlayStation high impact, stand out and frequency in the engaging cinema environment. 

Alongside the big screen activity, the campaign also ran across TV, press, online and outdoor. 

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