Introducing Rebecca Rau, DCM’s Exhibition Account Manager

    Author Zoe Aresti

Many of you already know DCM's Exhibition Account Manager, Rebecca Rau, but this week we speak to her about all things cinema ahead of her going on maternity leave from 1 May 2015. Next week we will be introducing Rebecca’s maternity cover, Celia Small, to the DCM estate. Enjoy!

What are your three most favourite cinemas?

In no particular order - the Electric (Portobello), Zeffirellis (Ambleside) and Olympic (Barnes).

What excites you most about the future of the cinema industry?

Seeing how the independent sector expands. We have a vast amount of entrepreneurial customers who are continuing to invest into their businesses and it’s so exciting to see them grow.

What is your favourite film of all-time?

It’s far too difficult to pick just one! You can’t go wrong with The Sound of Music on a wet, miserable day.

What films are you most looking forward to in 2015?

Inside Out – hopefully I will catch a ‘Mother & baby’ screening on my maternity leave.

What do you think are the most iconic ads and why?

Not necessarily ‘iconic’, but I love the Lurapk ads on the cinema screen. They really come to life and seeing it on the television just doesn’t do it the same justice.

What are the three things you most enjoy doing in your free time?

  1. Currently – sleeping!
  2. Visits to the theatre, I love a musical.
  3. Spending time with my six nieces and nephews, which involves lots of trips to the cinema.